Someecards Concedes Twitter War to Martha


For the 11 people still paying attention, someecards would like to formally congratulate Martha Stewart on her inevitable feat of reaching 500,000 Twitter followers before us. Martha ran a remarkable campaign – always sticking to the positive, barely acknowledging the event, and mostly tweeting about trees. Should anyone feel the need to directly mock us for losing, we suggest creating a card here. And if you happen to speak to Martha, please find out what she wants for winning. We’re thinking either ecards or drapes.

6 Responses to “Someecards Concedes Twitter War to Martha”

  1. Michelle Says:

    But neither of you have reached 500,000..

  2. diana Says:

    Inevitable is the operative word (ie. they are giving up). It’s sad, I thought they had a chance. Ah well, it was fun while it lasted.

  3. xey Says:

    She’s gonna get it. I am one of the 11.

  4. blah Says:


  5. Crazy Cha Cha Says:

    Would you like my FB Mafia Wars mob to put a hit on her?

  6. SmartBlog On Social Media » Some social media insights from Someecards Says:

    […] And the Twitter War with Martha Stewart? […]

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